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P>3. Why do you get this name? 4. Is there a certain name that is popular in Chi...10-16
to do after graduation? 3. What is the meaning of your name? 4. Are you working ...10-16
l Reservation Completion 详细说明 1. 时间:18th 2. MS是river(unsure) 3. Per...10-16
le Choice/ Completion 详细说明 电影俱乐部里电影的种类以及俱乐部的情况介绍 Sectio...10-16
like to do after graduation? 3. What is the meaning of your name? 4. Are you wor...10-16
详细说明 是关于book shop job application, 一个女的去书店求职 1. address: 32 Acac...10-16
选; Summary ; YES/ NO/ NOT GIVEN 大致内容 第一段大概是说它们怎么捕鱼,然后当岸上...10-16
? Are you working or studying? When do you usually get up? What’s the best time...10-16
一个女的要到澳洲来工作,填一些基本信息和选择邮寄的东西 1. 到澳洲来的原因starting...10-16
do you get this name? Occupation Are you a student or at work? What are you stud...10-16
. Why do you get this name? 4. Is there a certain name that is popular in China?...10-16
说明 一位女士的包掉在火车上,给property service部门描述丢包的时间地点,包的颜色...10-16
); Summary(4) 大致内容 海洋资源。有tidal , wave, current, thermal resource,tida...10-16
e/Not Given; sentence completion 大致内容 全文主题为是国际旅游业的发展。 Reading...10-16